First Cinema Experience

Today when we woke up the weather looked a bit naff and I was unsure about what we should do. I didn’t want to go to soft play as I think sometimes that is done to death.

I remembered someone telling me about Saturday morning cinema, I had a quick look online and saw that the new Ice Age film was on and at £2.00 each I thought that this would be it. This was going to be first time the children will have been to the cinema so it would be interesting experience!

We got there and surprisingly I didn’t have to pay for Little M as she isn’t 2 yet – happy days!!

I was impressed that there were some plastic booster seats for the little ones so they could see better.


Big M enjoyed the whole film and she sat through the whole thing which was pretty amazing. Little M was a different matter she needed bribing with some chocolate (which by the way cost more than our tickets!! – won’t be doing that again!)


I think my favourite part of the film was at the end when the characters sing a song, Big M stood up and held my hand and started to dance…so cute!

After the film we had another first and headed to McDonalds…this is not somewhere I would normally take them but I was thinking about ease and costs to be honest. I think that they enjoyed it 🙂

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